m.o Emerald Production Concept Ltd
We are a full Television/film production and Event Management Company.
m.o Emerald Production Concept Ltd started full operations in 2007 with strict adherence to professionalism and creative work quality.
We are driven by passion to offer unbeatable quality programs and management services … Ultimately with a goal to entertain, educate and disseminate information necessary for effective & positive transformation through innovative ideas.
“…exceeding your imagination”
Our Shows
It is set against the backdrop of the intent desire of a Patriarch who wish for his protégé daughter to become his successor and carry on with the family legacy, as against the misguided passion of James, a trusted employee who is consumed by his own sinful craving to take over the Conglomerate of his kind hearted Boss and benefactor.
. . . There is a clash of interest and the scenario is set . . . like a time bomb ticking!
‘‘Greed and Betrayal finds a Perfect Candidate’’
RADIANCE (Series – 13 episodes)
Our story centres on the home and the ‘chief manager’ of it. The plot is woven round the woman who switch between roles without complaining. She is first a woman, wife and then a mother. Embedded in this responsibilities bestowed on her are numerous challenges deriving from managing family pressure, societal values, carrier success, task to create and need to re-produce after one’s kind. In the midst of all these are her domestic staff (better known as clowns of the century) who are in a world of their own. How does she navigate through to still come out ‘unscratched’ and ‘Radiant’?