Lady Sabina N Ugwu is a graduate of Computer science & Engineering from Enugu State University of Technology (ESUT) and a trained Mobile phone Engineer. She is also a certified Google Partner.
About the Company
Sablistus is an electronic content production company registered in Nigeria in 2014 but commenced business in July 2015. We started off as content marketing company before commencement of our own content production. Currently we have two electronic contents to our credit – Family Heritage and Home Affairs. All our programmes are tilted towards promoting family values and morals.
Family Heritage is a family drama series on the African family setup, while Home Affairs is a home management and culinary show.
Our Shows

A young Yoruba guy – Olaniyi falls in love with Igbo rich Man’s only daughters. Despite Class difference and family resistance, they eloped and got married. Unfortunately, he dies less than one year into the marriage and she is accused of Killing him.
Chioma Udensi was battling the emotional torture of the husband’s death while another lady shows up with a claim that she was also pregnant for Olaniyi. The battle continued even as Olaniyi’s family was engrossed in another battle with their kindred for their father’s property… we have about 50episodes.

Home Affairs is culinary and home management Magazine show aimed at teaching the audience how to make various African dishes. we have just 13 episodes and still producing.